Certificate Verification

The STCW Convention requires Parties to maintain registers of certificates and endorsements for masters and officers and to make information available on the status of such certificates and endorsements to other Parties and companies which request verification of the authenticity and validity of certificates produced by seafarers.

Information on the correct point of contact to obtain certificate verification information via e-mail address has been given to IMO by some of the certificate-issuing authorities.

To check the validity of a certificate of competency by e-mail, first select the country of issue of the certificate from the list then click on "Go" button.

If you do NOT want to send an e-mail but you want to get full contact details then click on the "X" button.

Direct access to certificate verification databases
The following STCW Parties maintain websites that provide direct access to registers of certificates and endorsements where their validity can be checked on line. To access the websites of the Parties listed, click on the links below:

Algeria Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Australia
Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados
Belgium Bolivarian Rep. Of Venezuela Cabo Verde Chile
China (Hong Kong, China) Colombia Croatia Cyprus
Czech Republic Dem. People's Rep. of Korea Denmark Dominica
Ecuador El Salvador Estonia Eswatini
Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia
Germany Ghana Guyana Honduras
Hungary India Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran
Isle of Man Israel Jamaica Latvia
Liberia Malawi Marshall Islands Mauritania
Myanmar Namibia New Zealand Nigeria
Norway Pakistan Palau Panama
Papua New Guinea Philippines Poland Russian Federation
San Marino Serbia Seychelles Singapore
Slovenia Spain Sri Lanka St. Kitts & Nevis
State of Libya Thailand The Bahamas The Cook Islands
The Netherlands The United Kingdom The United States Togo
Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Ukraine

STCW Parties are urged to provide up to date details of their web-based registers of certificates and endorsements for inclusion in the list. Please email to certificateverification@imo.org

Disclaimer: IMO has played no role in the verification process and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the information obtained through use of this facility.

If you are unable to access the verification data base, please contact directly the relevant maritime Administration as indicated in the link below.

National Authorities maintaining registers of certificates and endorsements